Intellectual Property

We protect your ideas, technology, products, and brands.

Our trademark specialist conduct search on trademark name availability, clearance searches, and process the application for registration with Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property (SAIP). Our consultants draft, review and amend trademark license agreement and handle the registration of same with SAIP including in assignment registration.

Our copyright team advises copyright owners and authors in various aspects in the protection of their works and setting up a local commercial distributor, drafting and legalization of the license/distributor agreements of their works with local distributor.

Our IP attorneys represent clients actions before courts and administrative enforcement authorities and have achieved favourable results in copyright, trademark, trade secret misappropriation, and advertising matters involving infringement, anti-counterfeiting, filing of appeals and oppositions including enforcement before the implementation courts.

Copyright law grants the right to prevent others from copying, adapting, or performing the author’s works, and the right to control the first communication of authors’ works to the public. Our lawyers

With decades of experience, our IP litigation attorneys, bet-the-company cases. We have extensive experience in venues where IP cases are most often litigated, and we try cases before local and international judges and arbitrators in Saudi & GCC courts, IP authorities, arbitration seats. We have been, and continue to be, consistently successful in those venues

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