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Where Law Meets Business

One Step Ahead

What is KP

Knowledge Pioneers Law Firm is a top-notch law firm with its headquarters located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and regional offices in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and Cairo, Egypt.

Knowledge Pioneers is uniquely positioned to serve SMEs and ESGs corporations, and entrepreneurs.


Saudi Central Bank Updates Its Regulatory Sandbox Framework

The Saudi Central Bank (SAMA) announced that it has updated the Framework of its Regulatory Sandbox. The step was taken as part of SAMA’s efforts to achieve several national strategic goals through the promotion of the Regulatory Sandbox’s involvement in the Financial Sector Development Program (FSDP), a key objective of the Saudi Vision 2030, which is aiming to develop the kingdom’s economy, diversify its sources of income, enable financial institutions to support the growth of the private sector, and allow new companies to provide their own array of financial services.

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Judicial Fees

New Judicial Fees

For decades, no court fees were payable in Saudi litigation. This may have resulted in many vexatious claims or a party bringing repeated claims to pressure its counterparty. The introduction of court fees will make parties think long and hard before commencing claims that have little merit and will hopefully encourage more parties to resolve their disputes out of court. The idea of accepting this type of fee may not be easy for some people, but we believe as a team who see the corridors of courts as homes that they will greatly improve the case flow mechanism, will improve the services provided, and will greatly speed up the litigation procedures that currently take a long time due to the number of lawsuits submitted every day.

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Ministry of Labor

Nitaqat Scheme Update

As part of the Saudi Vision 2030’s reforms, announced in 2016, reducing the number of unemployed Saudi nationals is a key element of the plan. Previously the private sector was largely dominated by expatriate workers from Pakistan, India, the Philippines, and Arab countries such as Lebanon or Egypt.

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Saudi Central Bank: Construction Insurance is MANDATORY

Based on the powers granted to the Arab Monetary Agency –then, and Saudi Central Bank for now– to monitor cooperative insurance companies, it issued its Decree No. 441/187 on 5/8/1441 AH, which has bound contractors in non-governmental sector projects to ensure against hidden defects that might appear in constructions. Such insurance shall remain effective for a period of not less than ten (10) years, starting from the date of project final delivery.

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What makes us special

Reliance on a deep understanding of Business Law has placed Knowledge Pioneers in the niche sectors of Fintech, Transactions, Corporate, Due Diligence, M&A, and Alternative Dispute Resolution.


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